
What is the heatAlert Sussex Service?

heatAlert is a FREE service provided by the Sussex Air Quality Partnership (Sussex-air) and is supported by (East Sussex and West Sussex County Councils). The service is operational between June and September, providing free heatwave warnings, particularly for those with respiratory and cardiovascular conditions, vulnerable residents, parents of young children, carers and healthcare professionals across Sussex.

The heatAlert service provides:

  • FREE heatwave alerts direct to you and/or your carer or health professional
  • Alerts over the summer months from June to September
  • Information about when, where and how long a severe hot weather event is forecast
  • Alerts are sent direct to either your home phone, mobile phone as a text message, or by email

How heat Alerts are sent:

Heat alerts will be issued when there is a change in the forecasted hot weather conditions from the national Met Office Heatwave alert service.
You will receive a heat alert when the alert Level changes from:

  • Green to Yellow – you need to be prepared
  • Amber or Red – you will need to take action

For more information about alert levels and their meaning visit our Alert levels page.


Join the FREE heatAlert service

To join, choose one of the following options:


For more information visit the NHS website:
Heatwave: how to cope in hot weather –  NHS (www.NHS.uk)

The heatAlert service provides heatwave warnings in Sussex and operates in a similar way to the airAlert and coldAlert services.

AirAlert provides free messages to your mobile or home telephone, informing you that poor air quality is predicted in your area. You can sign up at: www.airalert.info/sussex